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Delivering connected experiences via personalization at scale

Customers expect personalization wherever and whenever they engage with a brand – whether that’s online, in a call with a service department, in a commerce experience on a mobile app, or in-store. Switching from single-channel to omnichannel personalization is difficult for a brand, given the complexity of scaling content, insights, customer data, and intelligence across the enterprise.

In this session from Sitecore Symposium, Horizontal co-founder and CEO Chris Staley explores what it takes to deliver personalized experiences across every moment of the customer journey.

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Omni-channel personalization

Bring personalization to all corners of your organization

Deliver tailored and superior brand experiences using Sitecore’s technology suite.


Sitecore DXP: Orchestrating your path to composable

How does your Martech stack up? Find your path to composable Sitecore DXP.


Get to know your customers. Again.

Maximize your customer data with Sitecore CDP to deliver next level experiences.